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๐Ÿ—‚๏ธ Representation ๐Ÿ“ Tools ๐Ÿท๏ธ NLP Tools Metaphors Time
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“Time travel is great until you realize you’re the reason for all the problems.” - Uknown


The notion that answers already exist in the future touches on some fascinating questions about time, knowledge, and determinism. Some key points to consider:

  1. Predestination vs. free will: If answers truly exist in the future, does that imply our choices are predetermined?

  2. Nature of time: Does the future actually “exist” in a concrete way, or is it just potential?

  3. Quantum uncertainty: Modern physics suggests some events may be fundamentally unpredictable.

  4. Knowledge vs. reality: Even if future events are fixed, our knowledge of them isn’t - so in a practical sense, answers may not exist for us.

  5. Self-fulfilling prophecies: Belief in future “answers” could shape actions to bring them about.

This concept relates to ideas in philosophy, physics, and even science fiction. It raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of reality and our place in it.


“I asked my future self for the winning lottery numbers, but they just laughed and said, ‘Invest in cryptocurrency.’” - Uknown

1. Increased Confidence

  • Reduced anxiety: Knowing that solutions exist can alleviate stress about current problems
  • Empowerment: Belief in future answers can motivate action in the present

2. Enhanced Problem-Solving

  • Optimistic approach: Encourages a positive mindset when facing challenges
  • Persistence: Motivation to keep searching for solutions, knowing they exist

3. Scientific and Technological Progress

  • Inspiration for innovation: Drives researchers to discover future “answers”
  • Long-term thinking: Encourages investment in forward-looking projects

4. Personal Growth

  • Self-improvement: Motivates individuals to evolve to meet future knowledge
  • Lifelong learning: Promotes continuous education to access future insights

5. Philosophical and Spiritual Implications

  • Sense of purpose: Suggests a meaningful structure to the universe
  • Interconnectedness: Implies a connection between present actions and future outcomes

6. Decision Making

  • Reduced decision paralysis: Comfort in knowing that correct choices exist
  • Strategic planning: Encourages long-term thinking in decision-making processes

7. Creativity and Innovation

  • Inspiration: Fuels imaginative thinking about potential future solutions
  • Breaking barriers: Encourages thinking beyond current limitations


The concept of the answer already existing in the future has its roots in various philosophical, scientific, and spiritual traditions. Let’s embark on a journey to explore the origins of this idea and its evolution over time.

Ancient Civilizations and Philosophical Roots

1. Hinduism and the Concept of Karma

In Hinduism, the idea of karma suggests that every action has a consequence, and the universe is governed by a web of cause and effect. This concept implies that the answer to every question is already present in the fabric of time, waiting to be revealed.

2. Greek Philosophy and the Concept of Eternalism

Ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle discussed the concept of eternalism, which posits that all moments in time exist simultaneously. This idea laid the groundwork for the notion that the answer already exists in the future.

3. Buddhism and the Concept of Dependent Origination

Buddhist teachings on dependent origination describe the interconnectedness of all phenomena. This concept suggests that the answer to every question is already present in the complex web of relationships and causes.

Scientific and Theoretical Foundations

1. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

Albert Einstein’s groundbreaking theory of relativity challenged traditional notions of time and space. His concept of spacetime, where all moments exist simultaneously, provides a scientific foundation for the idea that the answer already exists in the future.

2. Quantum Mechanics and the Multiverse

Quantum mechanics and the concept of the multiverse propose that every possibility exists in a vast, unobservable realm. This idea implies that the answer to every question is already present in the vast expanse of the multiverse.

3. Novikov Self-Consistency Principle

Physicist Igor Novikov’s self-consistency principle proposes that any events occurring through time travel must be self-consistent and cannot create paradoxes. This idea suggests that the answer already exists in the future, and any attempts to alter it would be self-correcting.

Modern Interpretations and Applications

1. The Law of Attraction and Manifestation

The law of attraction and manifestation, popularized by modern spiritual and self-help movements, suggests that our thoughts and intentions can shape reality. This idea implies that the answer already exists in the future, and our thoughts and actions can bring it into being.

2. Futures Studies and Scenario Planning

Future studies and scenario planning involve exploring possible future scenarios to inform decision-making. This approach acknowledges that the answer already exists in the future, and by examining different possibilities, we can better prepare for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

3. Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Modeling

Artificial intelligence and predictive modeling use complex algorithms to forecast future events. This technology relies on the idea that the answer already exists in the future, and by analyzing patterns and trends, we can make more accurate predictions.


The concept of the answer already existing in the future has evolved, drawing from ancient philosophical and spiritual traditions, scientific theories, and modern interpretations. By exploring the origins of this idea, we can gain a deeper understanding of its significance and implications for our lives.


The concept of the answer already existing in the future is built upon several key principles. These principles provide a framework for understanding and working with this idea, allowing us to tap into the potential of the future and manifest our desires.

Core Principles

1. The Principle of Pre-Existence

  • The answer already exists: The solution to every problem, the answer to every question, and the outcome of every event already exist in the future.
  • The future is predetermined: The course of events is already set in motion, and the outcome is predetermined.

2. The Principle of Non-Locality

  • The answer is not bound by space or time: The answer can be accessed from any point in space and time, and is not limited by traditional notions of distance or chronology.
  • The answer is interconnected: The answer is connected to all other points in space and time, and is part of a larger web of relationships.

3. The Principle of Resonance

  • The answer resonates at a specific frequency: The answer vibrates at a specific frequency, and can be accessed by tuning into that frequency.
  • The answer is attracted to like energy: The answer is drawn to energy that is similar in frequency and vibration.

4. The Principle of Reflection

  • The answer is reflected in the present: The answer is reflected in the present moment, and can be accessed by examining the patterns and trends of the current reality.
  • The answer is mirrored in the self: The answer is mirrored in the self, and can be accessed by examining one’s thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

Operational Principles

1. The Principle of Intention

  • Intention sets the course: Intention sets the course for the manifestation of the answer, and determines the direction of the outcome.
  • Intention attracts the answer: Intention attracts the answer, and draws it into the present reality.

2. The Principle of Attention

  • Attention focuses the energy: Attention focuses the energy of the intention, and amplifies its power.
  • Attention brings the answer into being: Attention brings the answer into being and manifests it in the present reality.

3. The Principle of Allowance

  • Allowance permits the answer to emerge: Allowance permits the answer to emerge, and creates space for its manifestation.
  • Allowance trusts in the process: Allowance trusts in the process, and has faith that the answer will emerge in its own time.


  • Sitting by side so you can perceive nuances in facial expression, gestures, and coloration of the skin and not stay in the way of a client who is accessing their images and creating metaphors in front of them.
  • Modulate your voice and speak slowly and melodically.
  • Be interested in client exploration.
  • Repeat the client’s words using his voice delivery. For instance, when the client spoke about an exciting event, his face lightened up, his words speeded up and his tone of voice was higher. As a professional, you are, to match his expression or attend acting class to learn essentials.
  • Connect the question and experience with coordinating conjunction and/as/when.


“If the answer is already in the future, why bother asking questions now?” - Unknown

Vlad: “Hello, What can I do for you today?”

Client: “After meditating about the outcomes of my journey I am currently stuck between Rick and Jonathan.”

Vlad: “Have you evaluated a polyamorous relationship?”

Client: “I want to settle down just with one and have an intuition that I have made the right choice.”

Vlad: “What is it like to have intuition about having made the right choice?”

Client: Lean backward saying: “It’s like fresh smell, warm cozy blanket, with a symphony of harmony, watching a clear path in front.”

Vlad: “I would like to invite you for a small journey into your future. As you allow your eyes to close only at a rate appropriate for you as a person, breathing in and out, in and out, in and out. Float and maintain the state of right choice: ‘It’s like fresh smell, warm cozy blanket, with a symphony of harmony, watching a clear path in front.’ And while in this state allow yourself to float deeper into the future seeing the path desenvolving under your eyes. Experiencing laughter and joy. See yourself with your partner, it might be Rick, it might be Jonathan, it might be someone you know or someone you’ll meet. Relax and enjoy the company, intuitively knowing that what you experience now is a precursor to what awaits you in the future. And when you have explored pleasurable sensations and digest the taste of what is yet to come return here and now.

Client: “Thanks. The pieces fell into the right place and now I can see the whole mosaic. I know that relationship is fluid and it might change.”

Vlad: “To connect deeply you might consider the Core transformation method by Connirae Andreas. Allow me to guide you in the next 30 minutes.”

Client: “Ok. Let’s go for it.”

Core Transformation

Client: “Something had changed. I can feel more relaxed now and connected with my inner me. Thanks very much.”

Vlad: “You are welcome. From the state of deep connection that radiates through, transforms, and enriches your initial quest. How do you feel about yourself now and in the future?”

Client: “I am my body and my body is me. I am in a relationship with everyone and this relationship starts with me. I have learned new ways which enhance my life. Thanks very much.”

Vlad: “That’s good to hear. Good luck.”


The basic process involves several key steps. These steps provide a framework for understanding and working with this concept, allowing us to tap into the potential of the future and manifest our desires.

Step 1: Define the Question or Problem

  • Clearly articulate the question or problem: Define the question or problem you want to solve, and clearly articulate it in your mind.
  • Be specific and precise: Be specific and precise in your definition, and avoid ambiguity.

Step 2: Set the Intention

  • Set the intention to access the answer: Set the intention to access the answer, and commit to the process.
  • Focus on the desired outcome: Focus on the desired outcome, and visualize the answer in your mind.

Step 3: Access the Future

  • Access the future through meditation or visualization: Access the future through meditation or visualization, and connect with the answer.
  • Use a technique to quiet the mind: Use a technique to quiet the mind, such as deep breathing or progressive relaxation.

Step 4: Receive the Answer

  • Receive the answer through intuition or insight: Receive the answer through intuition or insight, and trust your inner guidance.
  • Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions: Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions, and notice any patterns or themes.

Step 5: Bring the Answer into the Present

  • Bring the answer into the present through manifestation: Bring the answer into the present through manifestation, and take action to make it a reality.
  • Use the power of intention and attention: Use the power of intention and attention to bring the answer into being.

Step 6: Reflect and Refine

  • Reflect on the answer and refine it: Reflect on the answer and refine it, and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Use the answer as a guide: Use the answer as a guide, and trust in its wisdom.

The Basic Process in Action

Here’s an example of how the basic process might work in action:

  • Define the question or problem: “I want to know what career path is right for me.”
  • Set the intention: “I intend to access the answer and discover my ideal career path.”
  • Access the future: “I visualize myself in a successful and fulfilling career, and connect with the answer through meditation.”
  • Receive the answer: “While thinking about the career I notice the emergence of several memories of friends telling me: “You were born to do this…” and I start to sense a warm feeling in the area of my chest. I realize that I possess experience and knowledge in a small niche which till now I enjoyed doing as a hobby and I might explore opportunities in this field which I enjoy over a long period.”
  • Bring the answer into the present: “I take action, researching the potential market demand and offer, potential business serving the clients, make plans based on my previous companies, connect with people who can help, set up the money and amount of time, and use the power of intention and attention to make it a reality.”
  • Reflect and refine: “I reflect on my progress and refine my approach, making any necessary adjustments to stay on track.”

By following these steps, I can tap into the potential of the future and manifest my desires. Remember, the answer already exists in the future โ€“ you just need to access it.


Meditation is a powerful tool for accessing the answer that already exists in the future. By quieting the mind and focusing on the present moment, we can tap into the wisdom and guidance that is available to us. In this meditation, we will explore the concept of the answer already existing in the future, and learn how to access it through a series of guided visualizations and reflections.


  • Find a quiet and comfortable space: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit and meditate without distraction.
  • Set aside 20-30 minutes: Set aside 20-30 minutes for this meditation, and commit to staying focused and present.
  • Close your eyes and take a deep breath: Close your eyes and take a deep breath, feeling the air move in and out of your body.

Guided Meditation

Step 1: Grounding and Centering

  • Imagine roots growing from the base of your spine: Imagine roots growing from the base of your spine, deep into the earth.
  • Feel the stability and grounding: Feel the stability and grounding of the earth beneath you.
  • Visualize a bright light at the crown of your head: Visualize a bright light at the crown of your head, filling your body with warmth and energy.

Step 2: Accessing the Future

  • Imagine yourself standing at the edge of a timeline: Imagine yourself standing at the edge of a timeline, with the past behind you and the future ahead.
  • Visualize the answer existing in the future: Visualize the answer existing in the future, as a bright light or a sense of knowing.
  • Feel the excitement and anticipation: Feel the excitement and anticipation of accessing the answer.

Step 3: Receiving the Answer

  • Imagine yourself stepping into the future: Imagine yourself stepping into the future, and receiving the answer.
  • Visualize the answer as a gift: Visualize the answer as a gift, wrapped in a beautiful package.
  • Feel the sense of gratitude and wonder: Feel the sense of gratitude and wonder at receiving the answer.

Step 4: Integrating the Answer

  • Imagine yourself bringing the answer back to the present: Imagine yourself bringing the answer back to the present, and integrating it into your life.
  • Visualize the answer as a guiding light: Visualize the answer as a guiding light, illuminating your path and guiding your decisions.
  • Feel the sense of clarity and purpose: Feel the sense of clarity and purpose that comes from receiving the answer.

Reflection and Integration

  • Take a few moments to reflect on your experience: Take a few moments to reflect on your experience, and notice any insights or themes that emerged.
  • Journal or write down any insights: Journal or write down any insights, and reflect on how you can integrate them into your life.
  • Take a deep breath and slowly open your eyes: Take a deep breath and slowly open your eyes, feeling refreshed and renewed.


Youtube - There is only one decision that matters. The Wholeness Workยฎ Connirae Andreas #awakening


Q: What is the concept of the answer already existing in the future?

A: The concept of the answer already existing in the future suggests that the solution to every problem, the answer to every question, and the outcome of every event already exists in the future. This idea implies that the future is predetermined and that we can access the answer by tapping into the collective unconscious or the universal mind.

Q: How can I access the answer that already exists in the future?

A: There are several ways to access the answer that already exists in the future, including meditation, visualization, and intuition. You can also use techniques such as journaling, reflection, and mindfulness to tap into your inner wisdom and access the answer.

Q: Is the answer that already exists in the future always positive?

A: The answer that already exists in the future is not always positive. The future is complex and multifaceted, and the answer may be influenced by a variety of factors, including our thoughts, emotions, and actions. However, by accessing the answer and understanding the underlying dynamics, we can make informed decisions and take action to create a more positive outcome.

Q: Can I change the answer that already exists in the future?

A: The answer that already exists in the future is not set in stone. While the future is predetermined, it is also influenced by our thoughts, emotions, and actions. By making conscious choices and taking deliberate action, we can shape the future and create a new reality.

Q: How can I use the concept of the answer already existing in the future in my daily life?

A: The concept of the answer already existing in the future can be used in a variety of ways in daily life, including:

  • Making decisions: By accessing the answer, you can make informed decisions that align with your goals and values.
  • Solving problems: By tapping into the collective unconscious, you can access creative solutions to problems and challenges.
  • Creating a positive future: By understanding the underlying dynamics of the future, you can take action to create a more positive outcome.

Q: Is the concept of the answer already existing in the future supported by science?

A: The concept of the answer already existing in the future is supported by various scientific theories, including:

  • Quantum mechanics: The idea that the future is predetermined is supported by quantum mechanics, which suggests that the universe is governed by a set of underlying laws and principles.
  • The collective unconscious: The concept of the collective unconscious, which was introduced by Carl Jung, suggests that there is a shared reservoir of archetypes and experiences that are common to all humans.
  • The power of intention: The idea that our thoughts and intentions can shape the future is supported by research in the fields of psychology and physics.

Q: How can I learn more about the concept of the answer already existing in the future?

A: There are many resources available to learn more about the concept of the answer already existing in the future, including:

  • Books: There are many books available on the topic, including “The Power of Intention” by Wayne Dyer and “The Collective Unconscious” by Carl Jung.
  • Online courses: There are many online courses and workshops available that explore the concept of the answer already existing in the future.
  • Communities: Joining a community of like-minded individuals can provide a supportive environment to explore and learn more about the concept.


  • Why did the answer go to therapy? Because it was feeling a little “pre-determined”!
  • What did the answer say to the question? “I’ve got this, I’ve been here before… in the future!”
  • Why did the time traveler’s wife leave him? Because he was always “already” gone!
  • What do you call a group of answers that already exist in the future? A “pre-determined” choir!
  • What did the answer say when it ran into its future self? “I’ve been expecting you… already!”
  • What do you call an answer that’s already existing in the future, but is still unsure about its purpose? A “pre-determined” existential crisis!
  • What did the answer say to the question that was struggling to find its purpose? “Don’t worry, I’ve already got this… in the future!”
  • What do you call an answer that’s already existing in the future, but is still learning about itself? A “pre-determined” self-discovery journey!
  • What did the answer say to the question that was feeling anxious about the future? “Don’t worry, I’ve already got this… in the future… and it’s going to be okay!”
  • What do you call an answer that’s already existing in the future, but is still trying to figure out its relationships? A “pre-determined” social experiment!
  • What did the answer say to the question that was feeling overwhelmed by the future? “Don’t worry, I’ve already got this… in the future… and I’ll guide you through it!”


  • The Answer is a Map: The answer is a map that is already drawn, showing the way to the destination, and all that is needed is to follow it.
  • The Answer is a Seed: The answer is a seed that is already planted, and with the right conditions, it will grow and flourish in the future.
  • The Answer is a River: The answer is a river that is already flowing, and all that is needed is to get on the boat and ride the current to the destination.
  • The Answer is a Puzzle Piece: The answer is a puzzle piece that is already cut out, and all that is needed is to find the right place to fit it in the future.
  • The Answer is a Book: The answer is a book that is already written, and all that is needed is to turn the page to the right chapter to find the solution.
  • The Answer is a Key: The answer is a key that is already made, and all that is needed is to find the right lock to unlock the door to the future.
  • The Answer is a Light: The answer is a light that is already shining, and all that is needed is to follow its beam to find the way.
  • The Answer is a Bridge: The answer is a bridge that is already built, and all that is needed is to cross it to get to the other side.
  • The Answer is a Compass: The answer is a compass that is already set, and all that is needed is to follow its direction to find the way.
  • The Answer is a Labyrinth: The answer is a labyrinth that is already designed, and all that is needed is to navigate its twists and turns to find the center.
  • The Answer is a Mirror: The answer is a mirror that is already reflecting, and all that is needed is to look into it to see the truth.
  • The Answer is a Path: The answer is a path that is already laid out, and all that is needed is to follow it to get to the destination.
  • The Answer is a Portal: The answer is a portal that is already open, and all that is needed is to step through it to enter a new dimension.
  • The Answer is a Recipe: The answer is a recipe that is already written, and all that is needed is to follow its instructions to create the desired outcome.
  • The Answer is a Song: The answer is a song that is already composed, and all that is needed is to sing it to bring harmony to the world.
  • The Answer is a Thread: The answer is a thread that is already woven, and all that is needed is to follow its strand to find the solution.
  • The Answer is a Wave: The answer is a wave that is already moving, and all that is needed is to ride its crest to find the shore.
  • The Answer is a Wheel: The answer is a wheel that is already turning, and all that is needed is to get on its cycle to find the motion.


@book P.M.H. Atwater, 2013; Future Memory ISBN 978-1571746887

@book Milton H. Erickson, 1982; My Voice Will Go With You ISBN 978-0393015836

@book Scott Rauvers, 2024; Quantum Journeys: Blueprints for Time Travel, Wormholes, and Space-Time Machines: Exploring Time Loops, Paradoxes and Temporal Trespassers ISBN 979-8320627694

@book Steve Andreas, 2002; Transform Your Self: Becoming Who You Want to be: Becoming Who You Want to Be ISBN 978-0911226430

@book George Lakoff & Mark Johnson, 1980; Metaphors We Live By ISBN 978-0226468013

@book Steve @ Connirae Andreas, 1988; Change Your Mind and Keep the Change: Advanced NLP Submodalities Interventions ISBN 978-0911226294

@link The Wholeness Work

@link Core Transformation


“Time travel is great, but the future’s fashion choices are questionable.” - Uknown

I have read books, watched videos, attended seminars, and practiced on myself and others. My interest in THE ANSWER ALREADY EXIST IN THE FUTURE arose from searching for reliable techniques that I could use to improve my life and life of others. I learned NLP techniques in NLP seminars, gathering, from friends, books, articles, and video and audio courses. I have practiced with myself and others and I can say my overall experience is good. I have developed my intuition to a point where I can evaluate the degree of certainty and bet successfully on the outcome. The kinesthetic sensation is the one of most valuable techniques I come across. I do recommend that you search for a practitioner who has knowledge, skills, experience, and elegance for your first session.


In conclusion, the concept of the answer already existing in the future is a profound and intriguing idea that challenges our traditional understanding of time and reality. By exploring the principles and mechanisms that govern this phenomenon, we can gain a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and our place within it.

  • The answer already exists: The answer to every question, the solution to every problem, and the outcome of every event already exist in the future.
  • The future is predetermined: The course of events is already set in motion, and the outcome is predetermined.
  • Free will and determinism: Our choices and actions may influence the outcome, but the ultimate result is already known.
  • The power of intention: Our intentions and desires can shape the future and bring about the desired outcome.
  • The importance of living in the present: By living in the present moment, we can tap into the power of the future and create a better tomorrow.

Implications and Applications

  • Personal growth and development: Understanding that the answer already exists can help us navigate life’s challenges and make better decisions.
  • Goal-setting and achievement: By knowing that the outcome is already predetermined, we can focus on taking the necessary steps to achieve our goals.
  • Spiritual growth and evolution: Recognizing that the answer already exists can help us connect with a higher power and understand our place in the universe.
  • Scientific discovery and innovation: The concept of the answer already existing can inspire new approaches to scientific inquiry and innovation.

Final Thoughts

The idea that the answer already exists in the future is a powerful and thought-provoking concept that challenges our understanding of reality. By embracing this idea, we can tap into the power of the future and create a better tomorrow. Remember, the answer is already out there โ€“ we just need to access it.

Copyright: ยฉ CC BY-SA 4.0
Citation  Attribution:
Klimsa Vladimir, (Aug 13, 2024), ๐Ÿ”ฎ THE ANSWER ALREADY EXIST IN THE FUTURE

๐Ÿ—‚๏ธ Representation ๐Ÿ“ Tools ๐Ÿท๏ธ NLP Tools Metaphors Time

Klimsa Vladimir
Klimsa Vladimir
He is an explorer of the structure of subjective experience, seeking a deeper understanding of how people experience the world through their conscious and subconscious minds. He studies the inner worlds of thoughts, feelings, and sensations that shape our perceptions, behaviors, and choices. This content was created with the assistance of AI tools, which were used for gathering information, translating text, and generating images.
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